Thursday, June 30, 2011

Movie Idea

So I was playing with my daughter and I was thinking how much I love her vitality and enthusiasm and energy (her unbridled youth, basically) and that I just want to tap her spring of youth like a keg because it makes me feel young. And then I thought that'd be a great movie--sort of an Invasion of the Body Snatchers/twisted Cocoon rip-off in which old people steal the youth from kids. The thieves suck it out of the sleeping child with a syringe--when the child wakes, they look like a progeria patient. Wait, that'd be a great idea for a public-awareness spot for this largely unknown disease. Here's the text for the ad:

Imagine if your 5-year-old woke up one morning looking like George Burns. You'd say that can't happen--that's science fiction, right? Well it's not. Each year thousands of children succumb to the disease of progeria and are robbed of their most precious asset: their youth.

Give to the American Foundation for Progeria and give these kids back their childhood--while giving a push to George Burns back in the grave where he belongs.

That tagline needs a little work but I think I'm onto something here.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Twitter account

Thinking about getting one. I think it was Jim Rome who was saying that if he ran an ad agency he'd require that all copywriter applicants have a Twitter account; it's the perfect platform to prove whether you can be efficient with words--if you can produce a compelling, original thought in 140 characters, you've got skills.

6 am

That's when my mind is most fertile.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I miss Jim Rome

Well I finally got a job. The one thing I miss from my UI days (aside from hanging with my daughter) is Jim Rome's opening monologue. I'd turn it on at 9 am sharp after I dropped my wife off at work and the opening song would come on and my daughter would say "That's Jim Rome!" The guy is an auteur and so completely locked in and focused during his 18 minute opening. He's an inspiration. I tried going online to find some archived shows but you have to become a Jungle Insider to gain access. Seven bucks a month. Think I'm gonna do that shit.

Anyhow, the job has been cool aside from a misstep with my VP on the first day (some of you have already heard this story). I had just emerged from a grueling three hour session with HR--they went over EVERY detail of the employee handbook--so, when were done I was on auto-pilot and I felt like a complete zombie. So the HR guy is taking me around and introducing me to everyone and then we stumble upon the VP of Communications, the big boss of my group, and we say hello and shake hands--and then after he says "I'll be looking forward to working with you" I say "Welcome," as if he's the new guy! Not the best first impression. He probably thought I was crazy. But I think I made up for it during my one-one-one getting-acquainted session with him in his office yesterday--I came across as a reasonable and sane professional (I think) and managed not to welcome him to the firm.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

I'm all for getting edgy...

..and those are some provocative gloves for sure, but this company has taken it a bit too far, IMO.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Gaseous Clay

There you have it: the most juvenile blogojevich of my career. Gotta play to the base sometimes. And no, I did not steal this brilliant idea from the rapper with the same name. I'd never even heard of him until now.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011