Tuesday, January 16, 2007

a new leash on the criminal mind

I took this photo at a dog show of all places. Not sure if this woman was making a joke or not--ha, ha--get it? This is MY dog!--either way, not cool. Anyhow, it got me thinking about criminal profiling and John Douglas. You know, John Douglas, the FBI guy whose investigative techniques were the basis for Silence of the Lambs. His whole thing was getting beyond mere motive--and instead, profiling the type of person who would commit a certain crime. He interviewed numerous serial killers, sexual sadists and the like, and discovered that most of them had things in common in regards to their upbringing. Most were bedwetters and/or stutterers with very repressive, authoritarian mothers. Most of them, as children, enjoyed torturing and killing small animals. Perhaps most of them wore a leash as well?


KT said...

Perhaps, but then you have the dilemma - do you want to put your child on a leash and have him turn into a serial killer? Or do you let him roam free and then wander off and get kidnapped by the serial killer?

That's why I don't have kids. Dogs are totally cool with being on a leash.

dhp said...

i wish i had a dog that was trained to the point where they wouldn't need a leash. you always see those dogs that are unleashed and so well-behaved..following there owner's every move and never wandering off. every dog i had growing up always needed a leash. if you took it off they would dart off and go jump on someone. in fact i have this very vivid memory of my golder retriever, lylah, doing just that at this park. she jumped up on this little kid and he faceplanted on the pavement and was screaming and crying. ridiculous.

KT said...

I used to have a dog that didn't need a leash. I have found that actually the main advantage is that it makes you look cool,like you have a really good dog. I have found that having a dog that does need a leash hasn't cramped my style much, actually.

Daniel Fan said...

That's an interesting idea -- whether or not serial killers were put on a leash. It would certainly make sense!