Sunday, April 15, 2007

They miss me?

Can someone explain the Rozerem sleep-aid They miss you ad campaign to me? For those in need of more context, the gentleman with his back to us is an insomniac. Lincoln and the beav inhabit his dreams -- "they miss" him because he's not sleeping (how then have they crossed over to his awakened, conscious state?). I don't know about y'all, but I must've missed that lecture in Jungian psych highlighting the Lincoln/beaver motif as a shared archetype of the collective subconscious.

I do, however, remember reading that Lincoln was known to have a recurring nightmare in which a family of beavers dismantled his boyhood home. I guess that would explain the uneasy look on his face.


KT said...

I'm pretty sure that were I to go for a certain amount of time without sleep, my dreams would have no problem showing up in my waking life as disassociative hallucinations.

How come I never get to dream about Abraham Lincoln? That would be so awesome!

Anonymous said...

I never read that Lincoln had a recurring nightmare about beavers. Is that true or are you being facetious?

dhp said...

good point, kt. thanks for being my only consistent commenter besides danielfan. btw, saw your japan posting. looks like someone's stepping up her design game. impressive.

anon, are you for real? that was a joke..

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm for real -- thanks for the clarification re: the joke.

Daniel Fan said...

I'm back!

Anyanka said...

Did you know that if there's a pause in any given conversation, at least one of those people is thinking about Abraham Lincoln?

dhp said...

no i hadn't heard that, zeebra. that's a really odd old-wives tale there. i can only speak for myself, but when there's a pause in a conversation i'm having, i'm usually thinking how awkward that pause is and what i should say next to alleviate the weirdness.. not lincoln. but if there was a president i'd be thinking about, it'd probably be mckinley. he was sexy.