Sunday, May 20, 2007

Three-day blinds

These actually aren't 3-day blinds. The photos were all taken the same day within minutes of each other using different settings.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

le chien qui attendu

I think this is going to be the first in an ongoing series. You see these guys all the time. Always so patient. I see every last one of you. Here's to you, dogs.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

weird manga t-shirts

I edit manga (Japanese comic books) for a living. Most of the artwork in these manga features young people wearing odd t-shirts. Can anyone explain the "automobile" one? Is that quote attributed to Henry Ford or some other industrialist regarding the advent of the assembly line? Arrogant insect is beyond any reasonable explanation. Although it IS tempting to think about which insect could be considered arrogant. Praying mantis? Naw, not them--they do pray so that means they're humble and god-fearing to a degree. Millipedes and centipedes are kinda arrogant for having so many goddamn legs. Black widow? Perhaps not arrogant--but cold and selfish--for depriving their offspring of a father. Ants are arrogant for thinking they can carry 20 times their weight. I'm hoping the great white way is a band and not an endorsement of eugenics or white supremacy.