Friday, November 07, 2008

I feel naughty

...when I bcc people.


Daniel Fan said...

Now we know that you've been blind carbon copying people -- a good reminder not to trust you!

Lardy Revenger said...

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! That's how he got it too!

dhp said...

yeah, well df, I've always been of the mind that you should keep it clean over email--especially work email--you never know who might be fwding you or bccing you.

that's funny you made that connection lardy. i hadn't thought of that. there's usually no relationship btw my photos and my headings, so I find it interesting when a reader manufactures one. My blogging style is next-level like that. I guess you could call me the first 22nd-century blogger. I feel like Neil Armstrong at a Star Trek convention half the time.