Thursday, April 10, 2008

Summer outings

There was a period of time when I had a very limited social circle. So in order to meet people, I would show up at the gatherings of various schools, professional organizations and companies. This was the 2005 summer outing of the Micronanofluidic BioMEMS group at MIT. Prof. Jongyoon Han was very hospitable. They were all good people. I'm pictured there on the right behind that rock formation.


Daniel Fan said...

That's a good one. You never fail to make me laugh or charm the hell out of me.

Anonymous said...

You charm the pants off of me!

dhp said...

df, that's why i've got you wrapped around my finger--sing in sting's voice: i will turn your face to a-la-bast-err, when you find your servant is your master..

hheadi, you know you'd do me for free my friend. there's no charming, or jacket, require--but it doesn't hurt, right?

Anyanka said...

Daniel, I just love you.

dhp said...

awww, anyanka--that really warms my the cockles of my heart--thanks, love you too...looking fwd to seeing both of you guys..