Wednesday, July 28, 2010

As a man, I feel left out when I see Special K ads

But are these ads sexist towards women? Naw. Like that woman needs to lose an ounce of weight. Don't know who Kevin Toney is, but if I ever see this record, I'm buying it.This guy's Special K post was a million times funnier than mine. Read it!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Introducing: Coke Collectibles

Just messing around with different fonts on a pic of a coke can. If Coca-Cola actually did this, I bet they'd be big sellers--don't you think? Like how I always ask a question to raise my comment count? Anyhow, I like the first one with Pump Triline. That would of been a perfect way for them to kick off the promotion, during The World Cup, because you see that font all the time on the back of football jerseys. Old English, Kraftwerk (or whatever that font is called) and Peignot (from left) are my other favorites. I just threw Papyrus and Hobo Std. in there to illustrate what dog-shit fonts they are. Hate those fucking fonts.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Weirdest ad ever

Anyone seen these? That's a narrow angle they're taking with that one, isn't it? Who besides gay hippies are they hoping to reach?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I've never been a big Pearl Jam dude

But I woke up this morning with "Can't Find a Better Man" in my head. I want to get that song. "Evenflow" is kinda tight too. I love that video where he's swinging off the balcony into the crowd. I never liked "Jeremy" tho. Pearl Jam was one of those bands who, at the time, were so popular that I just couldn't get with. If something is too watercooler or mass culture I have a knee-jerk snobbism that kicks in. Beavis and Butthead was another cultural touchstone that I ignored at its heighth. I've gotten better though recently. Take Lil Wayne, for example; I was able to embrace him at his apogee (before you call me a dork, listen to his '07 mixtapes). You can also count me among Gaga's legions of fans. I even tuned in to a few seasons of American Idol. I hope I can keep up this impressive run through my daughter's tween years. That way I can enjoy chaperoning her to boy band concerts. Heck, I may even take e with her at a rave! Totally JKing with that one--don't get it twizzlered.

Bad Humour

Sometimes I get a an idea that I think is funny but then I try it out and it misses the mark. Like this one. Do any of you even get the joke?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Choc Toxique

Using the toilette at home I always have a view of the back of a tampon box with the warnings and directions. I was reading them for the 18,000th time the other day when I came upon a charming and seemingly innocuous sounding French phrase: Choc Toxique. This means "Toxic Shock (syndrome)." I was thinking this would make a great name for a chocolate bar (sold in America, not France). It's great because it plays into that marketing angle that chocolatiers are so fond of using on women; that chocolate is sexy, naughty and dangerous. If they were really ballsy, they could also use the candy bar as a means of raising awareness for the syndrome. I can already see the PSA on the telly with Annette Benning (filmed in black and white) speaking with a weighty earnestness, urging us to buy a Choc Toxique as 10 percent of all profits go towards finding a cure. There could also be a Choc Toxique 5k Walk, much like the one for Breast Cancer.

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Did anyone see this show?

Just joking. Don't think they ever played together. Shouldn't they have tho? Am I the only one who views these three bands as interchangeable? Not exactly sonically but from an A&R perspective; they all seemed to be positioned as sensitive grunge reactionaries; sane and reasonable (while remaining idiosyncratic) correctives to a lopsided market. If Pearl Jam/Soundgarden/Stonetemple were Singles and Reality Bites, Giant/Sprocket/Dummies were If Lucy Fell and The Truth about Cats and Dogs.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Alemany Flea Market

I'd been wanting to go here for years. Finally convinced the old lady to come with me one Sunday morn. Here's a postcard I assembled to commemorate the trip:Check out how completely disinterested my wife and child are in the left corner. So ready to go. Actually, Claudia would've been happy if we let her out of the stroller but sometimes that's not the best idea. As for me, I coulda stayed for like three hours sifting through the vast mountains of detritus. I'm not sure why I enjoy it so much. I rarely buy anything but I love seeing all these discordant objects piled together chaotically. Chaos theory--you feel me? All right, homies, time to go now. Enjoy the weekend!

Here's some bonus pics:

Here's an unrelated pic of my daughter just because she's the most gorgeous child in the world:Here's another that my wife liked: