Friday, July 27, 2007

What kind of store is this?

I've lived across from it for over two years and still am not quite sure. My guess would be a spa/beauty treatment place of some kind. As I was taking this picture, I considered getting a closer look, but I felt them watching me so I chickened out and scampered off.


Daniel Fan said...

Maybe it's a makeover place but doesn't want to appear as those even exist? I guess that would just be a hair salon then...

KT said...

It says right on the sign! It is a store for angels. I think they need special clothes because of their wings. And I'm sure they need to replace their halos every once in a while.

dhp said...

I believe danielfan is correct but i'm tempted to agree with kt; perhaps it's where the cast for the buffy spin-off goes to relax and recharge for the next round of demon-slaying.

Kennethwongsf said...

Angels with tarnished halos and crumpled wings? These must be angels that have sinned and are only a few missteps away from being cast out of Heaven. ;-)

dhp said...

ah, angels with dirty faces, eh? i know a few of them. could also be that Beverley Allitt, an English nurse who murdered four child patients in her care, dubbed the "angel of death" by the English press, is also a customer.