Sunday, August 26, 2007

The true story of a man possessed by eight personalities

There's the willful and sadistic Bobby; the brawny yet taciturn carpenter, Roger; Egan, the pony-tailed and introverted programmer; Eustace, the confident and argumentative Ph.D. candidate; Vanessa--Daniel's only female self--is flirtatious, self-assured and quick to laugh; the demure and passive Sean possesses the mind of a 6-year-old; big-hearted Brian bakes and delivers cakes to lonely seniors on their birthdays; and lastly, Ethan, an agoraphobic hoarder who enjoys true crime shows.


Daniel Fan said...

Such vivid descriptions of the multiple personalities -- I feel as if I can imagine each one. I think Eustace is my favorite, although big-hearted Brian seems quite sweet.

Kennethwongsf said...

Look out Hannibal Lecter. A new monster is born!