Thursday, July 31, 2008

Metaphysical--Olympic Edition

As you all know, Metaphysical will be live-blogging Beijing 2008. Thought I'd profile some of the lesser-knowns. Featured here is one of our athletes from a new competition: 1980s Michael Caine impersonations. That's a good look, Ashley. Trademark Michael Caine. Oversized Educating Rita spectacles. How about rounding out the look with an earth-toned, large-knit cardigan (Hannah and Her Sisters) or a pair of Blame it on Rio-Tretorns? You know, like the ones he wore while playing footsie with Michelle Johnson?

Speaking of the Olympics, this logo right here has got to be one of the illest reappropriations I've ever seen:


Daniel Fan said...

I doubt many people are going to get all of your '80s Michael Caine references -- but I do! Who would have thought that a mannequin could compete in Michael Caine impersonations at the Olympics.

Xander Morgan said...

wait, you guys are really going to the olympics? Kewl.