from an ad that I saw on the back of the bus this morning. This was put out by SFEnvironment--a non-profit organization run by the City and County of San Francisco. It's supposed to clarify the division of recyclables--which items go in the green cart and which go in the blue. Is that clear at first glance? I remember driving and seeing this ad and just wondering what in the hell the message was.
Kinda reminds me of this piece I read recently on Shepherd Fairey. I had always wondered what the idea was behind his OBEY campaign. This snippet from SFGate breaks it down here:
...he first earned notoriety in the late '80s for his obtuse "obey" stickers that featured a mug shot of the late wrestler Andre the Giant. Fairey has called the stickers "an experiment in phenomenology," one in which he hoped viewers would be so confounded by the absurdity of the image they would question other visual messages they come across in their daily lives.
"Not Connecting" is sure to be an interesting new feature for the MN. I agree that the image in the ad doesn't connect with the text or the organization. I thought it was an ad warning people not to waste food.
I was more focusing on the kid going for the cookie and the mom's disapproving glance--any environmental message was completely lost on me.
FAIL, SFEnvironment!
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