Just joking. Don't think they ever played together. Shouldn't they have tho? Am I the only one who views these three bands as interchangeable? Not exactly sonically but from an A&R perspective; they all seemed to be positioned as sensitive grunge reactionaries; sane and reasonable (while remaining idiosyncratic) correctives to a lopsided market. If Pearl Jam/Soundgarden/Stonetemple were
Singles and
Reality Bites, Giant/Sprocket/Dummies were
If Lucy Fell and
The Truth about Cats and Dogs.
I doubt many people know that movie "If Lucy Fell"; in fact, I can't believe you knew about it. All three of those bands have similar names too.
Wait, all nerdy white rockers sound the same? Seriously though, TMBG stand apart from this pack. Lincoln, Flood, and Apollo 18 are a serious trilogy!
I don't think I've ever seen the film, DF. Just googled a list of 90s romcoms and that one stood out as one of the more mawkish ones from that era. But is it tho?
Yeah, Garmonbozia, I painted with a broad brush with this one. To be honest, besides their big singles, I don't know much about these bands and their music. For some reason I just always think of these three bands as a monolith. Probably completely off the mark tho. I definitely don't know any of those other bands that you speak. I'll have to check them out. You don't mean Lincoln Park, right?
I think you'd love TMBG. They are amazing, totally NOT in the same vein as the other bans.
Lincoln, Flood, and Apollo 18 are TMBG albums. I especially love Lincoln and Flood!
I agree and was going to say that They Might Be Giants totally doesn't fit with the others (I used to love them!), but you are right on with the other two! Funny post, Danielson.
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