So I was playing with my daughter and I was thinking how much I love her vitality and enthusiasm and energy (her unbridled youth, basically) and that I just want to tap her spring of youth like a keg because it makes me feel young. And then I thought that'd be a great movie--sort of an
Invasion of the Body Snatchers/twisted
Cocoon rip-off in which old people steal the youth from kids. The thieves suck it out of the sleeping child with a syringe--when the child wakes, they look like a progeria patient. Wait, that'd be a great idea for a public-awareness spot for this largely unknown disease. Here's the text for the ad:
Imagine if your 5-year-old woke up one morning looking like George Burns. You'd say that can't happen--that's science fiction, right? Well it's not. Each year thousands of children succumb to the disease of progeria and are robbed of their most precious asset: their youth.
Give to the American Foundation for Progeria and give these kids back their childhood--while giving a push to George Burns back in the grave where he belongs.That tagline needs a little work but I think I'm onto something here.
1 comment:
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! You are the best blogger I read.
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