Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Kardashian dream

Dream began with me being told "Kim wants you to ride in her car." I remember feeling excited. Next, we're at some huge, sprawling nightclub complex. Kanye is there and I just can't believe I'm hanging with them. So I start reciting some of his lines that I like (I could let these dream killers kill my self-esteem or use my arrogance as the steam to power my dreams) and he just politely smiles and nods his head.

Then I realize I really should get a photo of us together but I can't get my camera to work. Kanye and Kim start getting a little impatient and tell me they're going to get some beer and will be right back. So I wait and wait and then this older guy says "you have to leave now." I tell him I'm waiting for Kim and Kanye so he looks back at Kris Jenner who confirms that I do indeed have to leave. She tells me that Kim and Kanye are not coming back--and also I am informed that I have to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for them before I leave.

Another Kimye item: I was thinking that a good nickname for them would be KKK. Agree?

Bonus pic is of me. Classic Daniel right there. Weird loner.

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