Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Which cleaning product mascot do you prefer?

I'm inclined to vote for Mr. Clean. His appeal is more timeless whereas Brawny man is a li'l too marlboro man- and '70s porn star-ish for my taste. I'm surprised they haven't updated his look at all. Although I'm sure he went over really well during the Tom Selleck/Burt Reynolds male standard of beauty era. He also comes off as overly wholesome and square for my tastes. Mr. Clean is a bit more of an enigma. He keeps you guessing. Speaking of which, I'd venture to guess that Mr. Clean has been through some shit in his life. He looks like he's done a 7-year bid for crissakes. He's of the streets yet cosmopolitan at the same time. I'm sure he's perfectly capable of sitting down and playing some Gershwin at a cocktail party.

So there you have it -- I'm raising my glass to Mr. Clean. Brawny should save the mountain man/paul bunyan mascot for power tools.

I'm interested in how any of you women out there (all 2 or 3 of you) feel--because these products are marketed toward women. I actually can see how Brawny might appeal to middle-aged women as he looks like the kind of guy who'd have big hands. Older women seem to really go for that kinda thing.


Daniel Fan said...

It's not so much Mr. Clean's "cosmopolitan" quality that I prefer over the "wholesome" quality of Brawny as it is a personal aversion to mountain-men types. But I guess that's just me...

Maybe as I get older I'll begin to find Brawny sexier than I do now!

Anyanka said...

I like "Begley's Best" -- it's environmentally safe, and plus, we met the proprietor and he was really nice.

dhp said...

when and how did you meet him?

Anyanka said...

at the studio city farmers market, biaatch!

how do you spell "biyaaatch"?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Clean reminds me of a pumped up Yul Brynner in a strange way, whereas I can't help but think of Tom Selleck when I see the Brawny guy.

dhp said...

hey jasch - glad to see you here at the nightcap. sit down and make yourself comfortable. can i get you a drink or something?

KT said...

I don't really find either of them attractive. Not a 'stache or baldness fan, but I do think Mr. Clean is more charismatic. And he has a Mexican alter ego named Senor Limpio which makes him exotic too.

When it comes to cleaning products I am actually more seduced by design, as in the Method products, and by scent, as in The Thymes products.

This makes sense because when it comes to men I am often seduced by fashion (the human equivalent of design) and scent over actual physical features.