Went to the niners game this past Sunday and my buddy and I had to stick around until everyone left due to our shitty parking spot. We were crammed in at the end of this single-file line of cars with no way out until all the cars behind us left. Anyhow once everyone was gone the wind started dancing through the aisles and whipping up all the trash that was left behind. This plastic bag did a super-crazy
American Beauty kite impression--going this way and that, slowing down and then abruptly accelerating and smacking this dude right in the face! Scared the shit out of him. My buddy and I were cracking up. A second later another bag knocked me upside the head! It was wet and full of nacho residue and god knows what else. My boy Dave remarked that Candlestick seemed to be a self-cleaning stadium; cuz after the bags hit me and my counterpart, they both shot vertically like 100 mph and then left the stadium! Pretty cool--but also kinda scary and Poltergeisty. Once the bag hit me, we felt like it was time to go. It was a message from the Poltergeist.
sidenote: I gotta say man, people always talk shit about the black hole and raider nation and how those fans are some of the trashiest and most uncouth in all of football, but the niners fan isn't much better. I'm a working man myself so I mean no disrespect, but there are some loud, unrefined troglodytes up in that bitch. How do these folks even afford tickets? I went because I got freebies--shittiest seat in the house and still 85 bucks!
Thank you for giving validity to my fear that football attendees really were inferior beings. I will use this against my boyfriend when he tries to get me to go to a game this season. I think it'll go over pretty well...
How unfortunate that you got hit in the head with a wet bag full of nacho residue!
You sure that was wet nacho residue in that flying bag? It could have been someone's barf.
inferior is a strong word--not sure if I'd use that. actually, I think I used worse didn't I? anyhow I didn't mean to discourage you completely. even if you're not into football and you like your social events more cultivated, it's interesting for the people watching and the spectacle of it all. great photo ops too--wish i took more pics.
very unfortunate, df--and i hate to admit it, but I didn't wash my hands after the game! a little nacho residue on young claudsie won't hurt her. WW--if that was barf I would've been so pissed. one time on bart I was looking for somethign to read and I picked up a newspaper that seemed too heavy. it opened up and barf slid off the paper to the floor!
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