Hi XXXX --
Yakitate 25 misc text is done! I've left final pdf in your folder for approval.
I don't remember always using the "exclam" in my sign-off and I'm not sure when it became a habit. Anyhow, their response usually looks something like this:
YAKITATE 25 misc text is approved!
Other times it will be like this:
YAKITATE 25 misc text is approved.
When I get the last one, it does seem to affect my mood considerably. It makes me feel sullen and unloved. I feel betrayed when they're not sharing in the excitement of this good news. I know it's ridiculous that this one character can make such an impact, but that's where we stand today as a society. Perhaps it's to atone for the lost art of the handwritten letter or the look-you-square-in-the-eye handshake; email can be cold and impersonal--the exclam brings it to life. I feel like I've been to a marvelous party when I get one! Don't you have the same feeling now?
In your inbox
This one ticks me off. Is there any way around saying "I've left the proof in your inbox?" I don't like the two "ins" right next to each other. You can't say "at your inbox."
"At your desk" might work but not if it really is in the inbox. Call me a pervert but you can't say "I've left the proof in your box;" it sounds sexual. You can just leave it on someone's chair, which a lot of people do. But I hate when people do that. It's presumptuous to impose an additional urgency on a project like that. If you put it on my seat, I have to work on it or at least think about it before I even sit down!
I feel the same way about the ubiquitous smiley face. If an email doesn't end with a smiley face, my day is much bleaker.
I notice that in my e-mails too! I've never had people place stuff on my chair anywhere. Now that I think about it, if that happened to me, my first thought would be, "Who the hell put that there?!"
i use the smiley face a lot now too mainly cuz my boss does. it amazes me how it still warms the cockles after all these years.
yeah, WW, the seat proof isn't cool. think i'm going to to leave your next touch-up project on your seat cuz you flaked out last week--asshole! Just kidding. :)
I try to take the sting off my bitchiness with the smiley face. See re: "That's what memos are for :)"
what's It's On??
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