There are certain movies that are unwatchable for large segments of the population, and as such, these movies need new ratings(*). This new rating is not intended to protect minors, but rather the parents of minors. Movies like this one:

A movie like this should have the following rating placed very prominently on any DVD packaging and in any trailer that airs in theaters or on television:

Here's another movie that my wife forced me to watch this past weekend that centers around the parents of a small child who is run over by a car:

This one would need new text for the rating box of course, as the kid isn't kidnapped and raped. But I actually would heartily recommend
The Rabbit Hole to anyone, parent or not. Not
The Lovely Bones, however. Just too heavy-duty. I actually couldn't watch the scene in which Stanley Tucci rapes the girl. I turned it off.
I actually need to give a shout-out to my cousin-in-law, Todd Voyageur, who had the idea for this rating system and told me about it. These movies I watched recently just made me think about it. So thanks for sharing this with me, Todd, so I could steal your idea!
"Lovely Bones" was one of the best books I've read, but I don't think I need to see the movie. Also, I really want to see "Rabbit Hole", but am afraid it would be too hard to watch...and I don't even have kids!
you definitely need to see Rabbit Hole. it's not that hard to watch actually--it's more about the aftermath and the parents' relationship.
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