Friday, May 11, 2012

Angry chimp on a mission to destroy all zoo visitors

That headline made me laugh out loud yesterday at work. So I read on:

Santino the chimp is getting meaner by the day -- which means he's thinking more like a human. The male chimp, notorious for pegging gawking visitors with rocks and other projectiles, has upped his game from simply throwing to now carefully stashing his weapons when no one's watching and preparing for his attacks like a military mastermind. His cunning plot involves heaping hay near the visitor's section, slipping his "missiles" underneath and waiting until the next group of unsuspecting humans arrives. Then, without warning, he unleashes the blitz. Thrilled scientists are impressed with Santino's sophisticated ability to foresee the entertaining screams and chaos he provokes, a trait that, unfortunately, sounds incredibly human.

And then this gem in the comment section:

What I would like to see is for a staged retaliation.. Have about 20 people pretend they are tourist and walk in from all directions and when he starts pelting them they return fire from all directions.. using an item that would not cause injury... etc. foam balls.. foam rocks.. Now let's see if he changes his tactics. Please video tape.. I would love to see the surprise on his face.

Forgot the commenter's name--sorry bro, but know this: you made my day!

One important point that the author failed to mention: yes, this may indicate the chimp has a more nuanced, strategic brain than we thought, but doesn't it also highlight that he's probably feeling depressed and unengaged? Maybe you fuckhead zookeepers need to redesign his enclosure and challenge Santino to use his brain with less anti-social activities... Geezus.

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