Sunday, June 22, 2008

a tribute to the accidental subject

We're all familiar with these people. They're sure to creep into the frame of at least 10 percent of your treasured snapshots. These photographic interlopers have long been subject to scorn and ridicule--until now. I thought I'd give 'em some room to breathe on a canvas of their own. How do they look?


Daniel Fan said...

That is quite an interesting montage -- if one of them happened upon your blog, what would he or she think?

dhp said...

I shudder to think, df. especially the second dude from the right. he scares me.

Xander Morgan said...

One of those guys stabbed me in the ye old candy shoppe

dhp said...

ye olde candy shoppe is the safest shoppe around.. you're lying, xanderson! how did you know my blogskee address?