We don't need it do we?

When you read this heading and then look at the image, is the message clear? Not really huh? Need an explanation? Here goes: I read an article recently about the burgeoning "slow media" movement. These folks aren't into fast media like smart phones or mp3s or email or Kindles and they're working to preserve their analog preferences. The line from that Public Enemy song "Don't Believe the Hype" came to mind;
False media, we don't need it do we? Don't believe the hype. So I was thinking if they flipped that lyric, the slow media crowd would have an effective spokesperson in the form of Flava Flave and I came up with this graphic. Yesterday I asked my co-worker (and co-bro), Kapples, what message, if any, he was getting when he looked at the image. Blank stare. Then I explained to him what I just explained to you guys and he's like, "yeah, it's hard to connect the dots and arrive at that conclusion just looking at a bunch of pictures." Still trying to eke out a favorable response I said, "c'mon, man,
slow media! Don't you get it?" He said, "I'm not really familiar with that movement." Hilarious response. Even funnier in person.
Note: respect must be granted though for my repurposing of the public enemy logo (b-boy in kangol in the crosshairs); you see that? The record player
is in the crosshairs now.Additional note: just remembered that Flava Flave is featured in a Sprint commercial--so in addition to the muddled message, this campaign has a huge conflict of interest from the get-go. Guess I better call Terminator X at his ostrich farm. That was for you, Lardy.
Like Kapples, I'm not terribly familiar with the slow (vs. fast) media movement but I do like the image you created to go with your text -- very nice design.
this made me laugh. But Flava Flav as a spokesman always does.
Co-Bro. LOL. Those ostrich farms flopped, nobody wants to eat ostrich meat. Do you ever see ostrich meat for sale at your grocery store? I never do.
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