Sunday, June 27, 2010


photo via Raddudes

My first rejection post-layoff this morning:

Hi Daniel,

We appreciate your interest in Blank Design Group and the position for which you applied. After reviewing the applications received by the deadline, yours was not selected for further consideration.

We appreciate the time you invested in your application. We encourage you to apply for posted and advertised positions in our company, for which you qualify, in the future.

We wish you every personal and professional success with your job search and in the future. Thank you, again, for your interest in our company.

Joey Silvera
Senior Designer

What's weird is I don't remember receiving rejection letters from companies. I thought they just didn't contact you. So I thought for sure they were calling me in for an interview.

Anyhow, thanks Joey at Blank Design Group. Great jumping-off point for my birthday celebrations today!


Anyanka said...

crap, it was your birthday???? happy birthday!!! I'm sorry we missed it...

Daniel Fan said...

Those are just automated responses -- don't take it personally!

hheadi said...

ok fine i got a google account. happy? joey silvera...sounds familiar. career change?