Facebook Is Destroying The Closet
Joshua Alston makes the case:
Social-networking sites like Facebook and Twitter simply don't allow for compartmentalization. A buddy once told me that his gay friends and his straight friends are like light and dark liquor—ideally, they shouldn't be mixed. But social networking forces you to shuffle your decks; friends, family, drunken hookups, and co-workers all get equal treatment—equal weight in a news feed or stream. Presenting a partial portrait of who you are becomes tricky.
That's not to say staying in the closet on Facebook can't be done. It's possible, as long as you're willing to work it like a full-time job.
Not that I'm in the closet but I agree with Alston's basic premise; I'm not on FB cuz there'd be things I'd want to share but not with everyone--I'd imagine myself holding back. That's what makes facebook boring. Too safe.
You can make filters on Facebook and thus make them available only to selected "Friends"...you should try it.
Even though you have the ability to filter who sees what, I understand why you don't want to be on FB. Sometimes I want to cancel my account, but it's fun to get back in touch with old friends and to keep up with current ones you don't see that often.
Don't you feel like you sometimes hold back on your blog too, though?
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