Another point of interest is that I was called a ginger twice by two younger, female coworkers. Reason I describe them as young and female is because I wanted to emphasize how cuckolded I felt. To be called a ginger is to be called sexually undesirable. Redheaded sperm doners are turned down when trying to sell their sperm. Nobody wants a redheaded child! I was talking with someone the other day whose husband works in marketing and they were doing a campaign for a UK-based company and his contact there told him to never uses gingers models in their campaign!
Anyhow, never been called a ginger and it pissed me off, so I say hey, that's a pejorative, that's not nice! She says, well, it is a pejorative, but it's a pejorative of endearment. You know like how young black men call each other nigga? I thought that was good comeback so I didn't pursue if further. But she's not a redhead so her metaphor doesn't really hold any water.
Another note: at Orlando International, I bought a breakfast sandwich, an empanada (for lunch on the plane), and a bottle of water. Guess how much it was? Only 9.25! For an airport that's the steal of the century.
On air travel: tiered boarding has gotten out of control. They were boarding one and then three rows at a time! And before that they would call the parents with small children, first class passengers, star alliance passengers, business class passengers, military or family of military, and then calling out individual rows which thankfully grew to three rows.
Another funny thing: my small department, all five of us, went to Jimmy Buffet's Magaritaville for dinner at our Universal Studios outing. I go to the bathroom and notice a trough right as I enter. So I start peeing and then realize something seemed off. There was a huge mirror facing me, there was soap, there were lights shining down on the trough, and there were faucets attached to the ceramic basin. I was peeing in the sink! Here's a photo of the sink:
I can't believe you blogged about the sink incident!
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