designers to use royalty-free images. Frankly, I'm not sure why this should be a requirement. As you can see below I've managed to free the image of royals by filling them with a nice check pattern; a bold, blue stroke contrasts the fill quite nicely.

But, again, in all honesty, I think the original image below works much better.
That could be problematic when you design promotional materials for, say, Princess Mononoke, The Prince of Kabuki, or Knights of the Zodiac.
nice of you to drop by, Kenny. Wow, that's some good VIZ knowledge you've got. Tell me: did you know about Knights of the Zodiac on your own or did you have to google to find that? That's one of our worst-performing titles. It's strangely popular in France, though. People knock the French for being huge fans of Jerry Lewis; I don't think that's strange at all--he's a comic genius--but to be a fan of KOZ--now that's strange. We all should go for a bite at Hagong where that Burmese bartender works. How was it by the way?
I like the royalty-free image more than the one with the royals.
nicely done, old chap
Hee hee. Funny!
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