It was the brand my dad favored during my formative years. Not sure if it's still available. I usually opted for Right-Guard or Old Spice once I became capable of generating funk. My nephew, who's 16, prefers Axe. It amazes me how this brand has cornered the market for his age-group. They really did seem to fill a void though; no other underarm product was speaking to this demo until Axe came along. "Girl-approved hair." Brilliant. Anyhow, speaking of grooming, I've recently made a big decision involving mine: I will no longer purchase my hair product (Crew Pomade) which I have been using for the past 15 years; I will now opt for the dry look. Why? It became cost-prohibitive (sixteen bucks for a small 8 oz container!) and I just started to feel that it didn't look good anymore. This is a 180 degree turnaround; before I couldn't leave the house without it. So I decided to let you fruits decide. Which is better? With pomade:

If you didn't mention it, I wouldn't even notice the difference. Without looks good too.
I can't decide -- I guess because I'm a creature of habit I'm inclined to encourage the pomade use. Nonetheless, I really like the photo of you with it. Perhaps it has to do with that beautiful girl smiling in the photo with you.
Yall gotta rock the pomade.
Also, I'm switching once I run out of Axe
no pomade.
it looks like it's 2-2, with one split decision from WW. The deciding vote will be entered by me: NO POMADE!
Dude, by that cheapo shit in the orange canister. I used to call it, "Aunt Mammy's Boo Paste" it works super good.
i've tried the orange stuff, lardy. doesn't work for my hair. that stuff is for some thick tangly type hair. plus it looks like bacon grease. kinda nasty.
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