Just started doing this recently because I'm such a neurotic bugged-out freak. The path I've chosen is a simple one: breath-counting. How many breaths would you guess I took during my 15-minute session? One hundred and four. Wouldn't you think it would be in the thousands?
Isn't this pic I found on the internet totally crazy sexy cool? Actually, it's none of those things. Well, maybe it is crazy and cool; not sexy though. You could say it's "foxy." Anyway, I mainly find it just sad and pretty.
I would have thought the breath count would be much higher. Meditation is good -- you're not a freak. Everyone could use some relaxation and centeredness.
That photo is really sad and depressing.
104 breaths in fifteen minutes is good, Daniel san. I got 60 breaths in 15 minutes in Tai-Chi classes. Of course, that's upon breathing concentration and not the everyday normal breathing.
yeah, DF--you should try meditation yourself. sixty breaths, WW! Damn. that's impressive. you ever going to come into the new building?
DP. I doubt I'll ever set foot into the new building. I heard there are all kinds of regulations to get in. Besides, it's tough to find parking in the Financial District. Thy got me working remotely now.
That photo is seriously sad, but interesting.
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