Monday, April 13, 2009


Thinking of renaming my blog "Avant-Kitsch." I got the idea after reading an essay from like 1939 by some guy named Clement Greenberg. He was talking about high and low art and it was in this essay where the term "kitsch" first came into being. Anyhow, his whole argument was that modernism (folks like Picasso, aka, "high art") was a reaction against the rise of consumer society, or "kitsch" as he described it. So he drew this line in the sand between the avant-garde and the "kitsch." As for me, I like the mix-and-match approach and think everything's game... so there you have it--avant-kitsch--get it?

So yay or nay, what do you say?

1 comment:

Daniel Fan said...

I like it -- the notion of "avant-kitsch" but are you sure the name is available for renaming your blog as such?