Friday, April 24, 2009


From a fascinating piece about Bernie Madoff:

But Bernie was moody, and he could make people uncomfortable. At times he would stare wordlessly into space. One former trader remembers being at a holiday party when he noticed that Madoff was glaring at him from across the room. And glaring. And glaring. "You in trouble?" the trader's fiancée whispered to him when she noticed the boss's icy gaze. Uncomfortable, the couple left early; they never got an explanation.

And Madoff could be less than sensitive. One day a female trader remarked to a colleague that she'd had a nightmare about being raped, not realizing that the boss was listening behind her. Bernie piped in: "That's not a nightmare, that's a fantasy."

The whole article is here if you wanna check it out.


Anyanka said...


Daniel Fan said...

What do Lil Wayne and Katie Couric have to do with the Bernie Madoff story? The hilarity I suppose...