Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Go humans go

So are Quakers aliens? That reminds me of one of the most ignorant people I ever met. My friend was dating this girl and we all went to a nightclub with a friend of hers. She started talking some really weird stuff. She said "so if black people are evoluted (her wording, not mine) from monkeys (and we're not?) and Asians are aliens..." I really didn't even know how to respond to someone who truly believed this. Asians are aliens? I could've turned it into a Geraldo shouting-match, but I just kept my distance the rest of the evening.


Xander Morgan said...

yeah, I hate these things too. I don't really get it to be honest. Stupid.

Kennethwongsf said...

Well, I'm Asian and, as an immigrant, I must admit I was once an alien. My ID card said "Alien, permanent resident." But since then, I've evoluted to a full-fledged citizen.

So how do I get in touch with this girl? :-P

dhp said...

you are fully evoluted, my friend. If I could find her, I'd gladly introduce you. That'd be interesting to know what she's up to. If I had to guess, she's probably working a cosmetics counter somewhere. You should go check Saks today-she's about yay-high with brown hair.

Anyanka said...

I wish Vic had been there.